Descargar Google Earth Pro 5.0.1337 (GPS + 3D Support)

Mar 29 •

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Google Earth Pro 5.0.1337 (GPS + 3D Support) Google Earth Pro 5.0.1337 (GPS + 3D Support) Espero que te pueda servir esta versión del Google Earth. Google Earth es el un completísimo atlas interactivo en tres dimensiones. Lo primero que verás al abrirlo será el globo terráqueo, un mapamundi por el cual moverte con la ayuda del ratón. La caja de búsqueda a la izquierda te llevará en un vuelo suave hasta el lugar que elijas. How to Get 3D Buildings in Google Earth Flight Simulator 1. Enter Flight Simulator mode – Select “Tools->Enter Flight Simulator”. Optional: fly to a city which has 3D buildings (tip: San Francisco, Baltimore, Atlanta, Raleigh, Charlotte – these all have lots of 3D buildings). NOTE: – there is a bug in GE 4.3 if you select the “Current View” option in the “Enter Flight Simulator” window, you may end up at an higher altitude than you expect upon starting the flight (much higher). Just fly back down to the city level. 2. Open the Sidebar – Sidebar shortcut – Press ‘Ctrl + Alt + B’ (or + Option + B’ on the Mac) to bring up the sidebar 3. Turn on 3D Buildings – Turn these on in the Layers pane in the lower left after the sidebar opens. 4. Turn Off Sidebar – IMPORTANT – before resuming the flight simulator, turn off the sidebar by hitting the sidebar shortcut from step 2 5. Resume flight – Now you can resume flying the flight simulator by hitting the SPACE key and the 3D buildings should stay on for your current flight. ArqTool)

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