Pink virus in Rotterdam

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Pinks dots all over the street. That is project by STUDIO VOLLAERSZWART.  LET’S STICK TOGETHER-812U

a colourful virus of 45.000 stickers was unleashed onto the buildings of the Witte deWith street for annual art festival “World of Witte de With” in Rotterdam, September 2006.


STUDIO VOLLAERSZWART – is Dutch design studio for interdisciplinary design and visual communication. The public space is the platform for their design activities which focuses on the interaction between architecture, the audience, the functionality  and ambiance of a space.

They have created the term CITY DRESSING for projects which provide the outside space with a recognizable and striking irradiation. The LET’S STICK TOGETHER 812 U   Is  an example of  citydressing.


See more about STUDIO VOLLAERSZWART here.


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