switch off your light for earth

Mar 28 •

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“The world is yours, mine, everybody’s, so take care of it and turn off the lights for 1 HOUR this SATURDAY, 28 MARCH, in order to let the Earth breathe ”

We must not surrender in the face of global warming, therefore we suggest that on SATURDAY MARCH 28th (2009) (see schedule below for each country) all turn off all lights to give this planet a break.

The idea originates in Colombia. Turning off all devices for 1 HOUR obviously will mean a significant saving of energy and fuel, so that the planet can take a breath and we thus contribute to avoiding global warming.

This is an effort to raise awareness of the enormous damage the environment is suffering because of global warming which is illustrated by the fact that various endangered species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction.

Do not remain inactive, tell your family and friends, spread this message everybody you know, send e-mails, use facebook, write in your blog, web 2.0, whatever, help us!

March 28, 2009 20:30 to 21:30 EACH COUNTRY

more info: yoapagarelaluz@hotmail.com

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